Almost Back in Shape

To those who have read my blog years back know that this have been the biggest I've ever been. If you also read my blog, you'd know how fit I used to be prior to my wedding. Well, I must have enjoyed the perks of pregnancy that I gave in to all the greatest thing in life -- eating. I weighed 160lbs post partum. It was my heaviest. Insecurities started to fill in. Then I decided its time to get back in shape.
Let me share with you how I lost weight while sharing with you my photos taken at Pagudpud. I apologize if I can't share with you workout photos or meals (since I don't take photos of them anymore) but may this photodiary (and my story) inspire you.
If I compare my discipline a couple of years ago to present, I must say that the Rovie before had the ideal attitude in terms of fitness. I used to workout 4-5x a week, eat healthy and sleep healthy. I devote most of my free time working out 2-3 hours per gym day (that's the real secret). But things have changed now. I am now a mom, a wife and a sales representative assigned to a location a couple of hours away from home. I can no longer devote my free time working out, even have the discipline to eat cleanly (cause I'm too exhausted and tired to even prepare my meals). So what do I do to lose weight? I improvise.
First, FOOD. I don't know if you can consider my diet a real diet but I try to avoid rice as much as I can. I also avoid flavored drinks, except coffee cause I couldn't function without at least a couple of cups of coffee. I make sure that I eat a heavy breakfast (full meal), a little heavy lunch and light dinner. I do make sure I have a room for dessert -- a eat a small amount of cake or pie, just to satisfy my craving. Unlike before, I try to enjoy all kinds of food but in moderation. If there's a client meeting, a buffet, a dinner or lunch event, I still eat a lot. I have this weird habit of "binge eating" that if I eat a lot on a specific day, I'll go on a clean (salad / fruits) diet mode the next day. I know my eating style now is not so ideal but, hey all that matters is I'm happy.
Next, workout. Honestly, I do not have much time to workout. Presently, I only workout consistently ever Sunday. I try my best to workout at least 2 or 3 more times, may it be in the gym or anywhere else. If I can't go to the (360 Fitness Club, Timog QC Branch) gym, I try to do a 5-10k run (which happens rarely) while I wait for traffic to subside. I also make sure that I am active as much as possible. I take the stairs (5-10 floors), I walk around when I'm at work. Most of all, whenever I'm home, I make sure I play with the most tiring little ball of sunshine, Leon. Carrying my 11kg baby around is no joke. Taking care of him gives me that happiness and unexplainable energy. 
Swimsuit: Sassa || Sunnies: SPRINTO || Coverup: Gift
So there you go! I started working out and dieting when Leon turned 10 months. 6 months after my decision, I am now weighing 120lbs from 10lbs. Still a bit far from my 2013 body (108 lbs) but I'm currently struggling to lose more weight. If you have noticed, my tummy, legs and thighs are still heavy while my arms and face are shrinking. Its probably the carbs and the sweets that I still cannot let go.

I hope you liked my post! :) 
Much Love, TBD


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