Flique Magazine Launch
A new fashion magazine is out and I'm telling you its AWESOME! FLIQUE = flick & clique is every stylita's tool to be updated with the latest trends, happenings in the fashion world! And more than that they also feature style bloggers and common people with high end street style! And with that great magazine, a great launch should be done! Held last Thursday evening at Opus, the FLIQUE launch was hosted by Bianca Valerio and was introuduced by the Flique Magazine Team, headed by John Lozano.
Since the party is themed with 90's teen flick, they had to choose the best dressed of the night, and these 2 guys in terno suits won1 (Much deserved!!)
Yeng, their very first covergirl gave an awesome performance that night (PS: I initially thought Maja Salvador was the cover when I first saw it. I guess they looked, alike?)
And of course, the party was just equally awesome!
why is it that, we make it to a point that we have hugging photos, Megann? I just love my sister :)
Angel and Henry = Yes we all think they look good together! :D
The chicboy Verge, chos :P
With Mr. Jeff Bascon (Bacons) of Oxygen! A pleasure to meet you :D
And these photos were grabbed from Ana:
Sorry Verge for the photobomb! Ang kulit ko lang! :p Nice to see you there ladies!
And the best photo of the night:
The campout session at the 5th floor of resorts :) Outfit shots will be posted soon :)
PS: Thanks Megann Monday (Style Surgery) & Vergil Chua (Right on the Verge) for letting me grab your photos! (my camera's batt was empty so I wasn't able to take photos! Apologies!!)
Congrats Flique for the very successful launch! :)
Guys grab a copy of FLIQUE!
Like them on Facebook & Follow them on Twitter
PS: I have an ongoing giveaway, c/o RK Manila! If you haven't joined yet, fill up the RAFFLECOPTER FORM below :)
a Rafflecopter giveaway
PS: I have an ongoing giveaway, c/o RK Manila! If you haven't joined yet, fill up the RAFFLECOPTER FORM below :)
a Rafflecopter giveaway
Much Love,
Tobruckave Blog
P.S. you're so gorgeous!!!!! <3
P.P.S. I'll be joining your giveaway to try my luck. hihihihihi :D
i initially thought it was maja also. ang ganda ng projection ni yeng...sultry look:)