2 Lippies in 1: LA Colors Pink Parfait + Avon Shine Attract Passionate Red
My blog is initially intended to share you guys my ukay clothes and how I
wear them as stylish as I can. But probably because of my fondness to
make up, I also decided to post some (bargain) beauty finds. And lately
I've been very addicted to lipsticks! (obvious ba??) Haha! I remember
Anagon calling me the lipstick girl haha. But because I'm still a super
kuripot girl, my reviews / beauty posts are limited to brands that are
suited for my very humble paygrade.
I love pink lips. But more than that, I love combining lip colors (I'm sure you do that too!) And for this particular lip color I wore during the Naturalizer event I combined my 2 favorite (and staple) lipsticks, my Pink Parfait LA Colors Lipsticks (Which I posted about here) and Avon's Shine Attract in Passionate Red
I love pink lips. But more than that, I love combining lip colors (I'm sure you do that too!) And for this particular lip color I wore during the Naturalizer event I combined my 2 favorite (and staple) lipsticks, my Pink Parfait LA Colors Lipsticks (Which I posted about here) and Avon's Shine Attract in Passionate Red
With Flash |
So leaving you all guys with a good night kiss. (I know this is so vain, I'm so sorry!)
I'm sure you combine lip colors too! Its fun right?
Much Love
The Bargain Doll
Much Love
The Bargain Doll
Twitter: @yourgotogal
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