While Waiting -- Blog Through Phone!
I was at Seattle's Best Dela Rosa Makati when I wrote this post. I volunteered to pick up the fiancé from work as he did not bring his car and I don't want him to commute late hour at night (He ended up at 12mn earlier). So to kill time, I decided to make a blogpost using my phone (a Samsung S3) via the Blogerroid for Blogger App.

Good thing I asked Paolo to take my OOTD earlier when we had our quick lunch at Kozui. Forgetting to charge my DLSR battery was like a blessing in disguise for at least, I was able to edit and post my photos using my phone.

We don't really prefer using camera phones for blog photos but I never realized its convenience til this moment. Using my phone, I was able to edit my photos using the Line Camera app, add a little filter and voila, have a presentable set of photos for blog post.

Top: SM GTW (Shopaholic)
Wore this ensemble to work earlier because of the gloomy weather. We actually have a work uniform but every once in a while, I dress up in smart casual attire. This polka dot top from SM GTW is actually my favorite because even though I bought this last year, it still make my corporate look a little funky.

Skirt: Thrifted from Baguio
Shoes: Bought Second hand (for 500)
Being able to buy affordable things and wear them nicely is my form of self flattery. Im a huge devotee of cheap/thrift shopping but I make sure that I carry it in the most bongga way I can. As I say it, shop cheap, look rich. :)

The only downfall of using the bloggeroid app is you cannot resize the photos. But still, I'm glad I was able to do something productive while I killed time. Was the post okay?
Though I noticed-- I blog faster when I'm using my phone compared to a normal PC. Do you experience the same too? Its probably because I have less distractions (can't open other tabs, etc.) when using a mobile phone
Ending my post now. Hope you enjoyed reading. :)
Much love,
The Bargain Doll