Singapore Sling
Travelling is fun. Visiting and discovering a new country,
whether with your family, friends or partner is always an experience. However, traveling
abroad with your baby alone (for the first time) is another story. It’s a
thrilling, exciting, nerve-wracking, yet fulfilling experience that could
change you. So for my comeback post, let me share with you how I survived
travelling with my baby, Leon Paolo to Singapore.
More than a month ago, I decided to book a flight to
Singapore, to follow my husband, Paolo who would take a 3-day tour in that
country. It was an impulsive decision to follow my husband, for he spent a
month, working in India. Since we’ve missed each other so much, my husband
convinced me to bring our son Leon to Singapore.
Honestly, my anxiety was shooting up as the flight date
draws near. Both our families were discouraging me to bring Leon alone in
Singapore, and suggesting us to bring someone to help me in flight. Since
we don’t have enough budget but the
willingness to travel with our child for the first time was strong, we decided
to go for it, despite all the warnings.
It was an early flight. We had to be in the airport at 3 in
the morning and Im grateful that Leon was awake on the way to the airport and
played while waiting for our boarding time. He fell asleep the moment we
boarded the plane, and slept for a couple of hours. He awoke 30 minutes before
the arrival and luckily, Leon is a very sociable baby and played with other
passengers while on flight. Grateful that my seatmate was friendly and helpful,
for she assisted me the whole time. A celebrity, Carlos Agassi was also there
and played peek-a-boo with Leon too! The whole flight to Singapore was a
breeze. The (Cebu pacific) flight attendants were also very friendly and they
assisted me the whole time.
So for moms who would travel alone with their infants,
here are my tips for you:
1. Be Brave.
Believe in yourself that you can do it. I remember how my anxiety was killing me hours before the flight but I told myself that I can do it. I disregarded all the “negative” what ifs and focused all my energy in making my baby comfortable i flight. I prayed for safety and courage.
Believe in yourself that you can do it. I remember how my anxiety was killing me hours before the flight but I told myself that I can do it. I disregarded all the “negative” what ifs and focused all my energy in making my baby comfortable i flight. I prayed for safety and courage.
I travelled Leon with just a carry on back pack and packed only the necessary things we need. I didn’t bring extra clothes or shoes, just the things I need for each day. I used a (sports) belt bag for my passports, cellphones and money for easy access and did not bring a personal bag so my hands were free. My belt bag has a bottle holder, so I was able to put Leon’s baby bottle in there. The backpack was also useful cause I was able to distribute the weight (7kgs on my back, 10kgs in front) on my body without straining my shoulders. Paolo and I bought other essentials in Singapore that I was not able to include in my backpack – like baby wash, bottle cleanser, extra diapers and extra clothes for Leon. That could be an option too.
I travelled Leon with just a carry on back pack and packed only the necessary things we need. I didn’t bring extra clothes or shoes, just the things I need for each day. I used a (sports) belt bag for my passports, cellphones and money for easy access and did not bring a personal bag so my hands were free. My belt bag has a bottle holder, so I was able to put Leon’s baby bottle in there. The backpack was also useful cause I was able to distribute the weight (7kgs on my back, 10kgs in front) on my body without straining my shoulders. Paolo and I bought other essentials in Singapore that I was not able to include in my backpack – like baby wash, bottle cleanser, extra diapers and extra clothes for Leon. That could be an option too.
comfortable clothes.
I was in jeans and cardigans. Since I carry Leon all the time, moving aronund was easy. My huge cardigan also served as a nursing cover (cause Leon still breastfeeds when he’s tired or sleepy). I was wearing my running shoes, and it helped me to walk and run around the airport (checking in, paying airport taxes, going back to the checkin counter, walking to the boarding gates while carrying 15kgs is not an easy task).
I was in jeans and cardigans. Since I carry Leon all the time, moving aronund was easy. My huge cardigan also served as a nursing cover (cause Leon still breastfeeds when he’s tired or sleepy). I was wearing my running shoes, and it helped me to walk and run around the airport (checking in, paying airport taxes, going back to the checkin counter, walking to the boarding gates while carrying 15kgs is not an easy task).
Don’t be
afraid to ask help from others.
I also read this advice on another blog. If you need help, ask for it and you’ll be surprised for the amount of help you will receive from the people around you. Overwhelmingly, I was amazed with all the help I received during my flight. From the fast and easy transaction at the checkin counter, from the random person who offered to carry my bag while boarding, my female seatmate who covered me up while nursing, the people around who played with Leon so wont cry while landing, the lady who offered to carry the crying leon while I prepare his bottled milk while in line at the Singapore immigration, all of them were God’s answered prayers. I was so overwhelmed with the goodness of other people and how friendly and helpful they were.
I also read this advice on another blog. If you need help, ask for it and you’ll be surprised for the amount of help you will receive from the people around you. Overwhelmingly, I was amazed with all the help I received during my flight. From the fast and easy transaction at the checkin counter, from the random person who offered to carry my bag while boarding, my female seatmate who covered me up while nursing, the people around who played with Leon so wont cry while landing, the lady who offered to carry the crying leon while I prepare his bottled milk while in line at the Singapore immigration, all of them were God’s answered prayers. I was so overwhelmed with the goodness of other people and how friendly and helpful they were.
Try to
make your baby sleep while in flight.
Luckily, Leon always falls asleep upon boarding. He usually wakes up whenever we leave the house to the airport (his sleep gets disrupted), probably gets excited at the sight of the airport, plays a little and falls asleep minutes before flight. If the baby is awake, get a bottle ready (if he drinks formula) or make sure he nurses during take off or landing. The air pressure hurts their ears so they might cry and feel a little discomfort. Sucking / nursing provides comfort during this time. Nothing to worry when they’re asleep.
Luckily, Leon always falls asleep upon boarding. He usually wakes up whenever we leave the house to the airport (his sleep gets disrupted), probably gets excited at the sight of the airport, plays a little and falls asleep minutes before flight. If the baby is awake, get a bottle ready (if he drinks formula) or make sure he nurses during take off or landing. The air pressure hurts their ears so they might cry and feel a little discomfort. Sucking / nursing provides comfort during this time. Nothing to worry when they’re asleep.
advantage of the access lanes.
Keep in mind that moms with children have an access lane so make use of it! You will be surprised on the convenience.
Keep in mind that moms with children have an access lane so make use of it! You will be surprised on the convenience.
Bring a
small toy and ready all the baby songs or jokes.
Make the flight time a play time! Leon definitely enjoyed the flight for he was able to play with a lot of people around him. The toy was a useful distraction as well as the baby jokes.
Make the flight time a play time! Leon definitely enjoyed the flight for he was able to play with a lot of people around him. The toy was a useful distraction as well as the baby jokes.
Make sure
that you have a food / snack ready for the baby.
I’m lucky that the flight to Singapore was under four hours and it was relatively shorter than other flights. I have his favorite cracker ready in my belt bag then and a prepared milk in case he gets hungry.
I’m lucky that the flight to Singapore was under four hours and it was relatively shorter than other flights. I have his favorite cracker ready in my belt bag then and a prepared milk in case he gets hungry.
make sure
that someone would bring and pick you up at the airport.
The extra hand is very useful guys! My mom and cousin brought me to the airport and my Singapore based cousin picked me up apon arrival. In case you don’t have a family or friend to pick you up, you may head on to your hotel and request for an early check in for more comfort.

10. Sling it, baby!
The extra hand is very useful guys! My mom and cousin brought me to the airport and my Singapore based cousin picked me up apon arrival. In case you don’t have a family or friend to pick you up, you may head on to your hotel and request for an early check in for more comfort.

10. Sling it, baby!
So here's the thing. LEON HATES BEING IN A STROLLER. It was another challenge for me, to travel with Leon. Luckily, I was able to get this useful sling from Mothercare at Singapore. My cousin, who is based in Singapore even borrowed a stroller for us but we were not able to use it. Wearing Leon was the best decision I made for I was able to use my hands while carrying Leon. It was really really tiring but the memories we made were worth it.

So there you go folks! I hope you found my tips
useful. I know this is far from what I used to post but I am slowly
transforming this to a mommy//fashion blog. I missed all of you! J
Much Love,