Moving More Confidently with Whipped
You guys know how much we love bringing Leon out during weekends. We enjoy exposing him to different places for us to have more physical time together. We play and discover new things. We love watching him feed his curiosity and even if it requires us getting bask in the sun or sweating a lot, we would do it.
Thus, play time with Leon means moving a lot -- as in A LOT. Since I also prefer dressing up fashionably, I make sure that I can move comfortably and confidently whenever I am with him. I make sure that I still look fashionable despite getting exhausted from all the carrying and running around.

For me to move confidently, I make sure that I am wearing comfy, yet fashionable clothes, and of course, hair-free. That why I can #DareToGetWhipped cause Whipped does not remove my unwanted hair, but also make sure that my underarms are smooth, sweet, and supple. Whipped's caramel scrubbin service has becoming my favorite cause aside from the usual waxing, they also treat my underamams with a sweet sugar scrub that removes dead skin cells ans some impurities. I also feel good after each session cause aside from the good service their therapists provide, the products they use smell good, giving me more confidence.
I was actually with Paolo and Leon (almost everytime) during my caramel scrubbing session at the Whipped Branch in Forbestown, BGC and immediately after my session, I went to Science in The Park to catch them playing under the heat of the sun. I had to join them, of course, and play like crazy kids in the playground. I had no qualms in moving around, carrying Leon and raising my arms cause I can move confidently with whipped.